Choose aproperiate Signing Certificate and Verification Certificate.
Set the Email for the Property mappings and for the Name ID Property Mapping.
Click Finish to create the service provider.
Step 3: Create an application
Navigate to the Applications > Applications and click Create.
Fill in the following fields:
Name: Enter a name for your application, e.g., DocuSeal
Slug: Enter a slug for your application, e.g., docuseal
Provider: Select the SAML provider you created earlier.
Step 4: Configure DocuSeal with Authentic Information
Navigate to the System > Certificates section in Authentic.
Click on the certificate that you selected for the SAML provider.
Download the certificate in .pem format.
Open the .pem file in a text editor and copy its contents.
Paste the copied certificate content into the Certificate field in the DocuSeal SAML SSO page.
Ensure that the email addresses of your users in DocuSeal match the assigned Authentic user email addresses.
This is crucial for the SAML SSO to function correctly.